Power-to-X is a 'next generation' renewable energy and storage technology based on combining existing and proven technologies. The PtX process converts electricity generated by renewable energy sources [Power] into other forms of energy [X], where X can refer to hydrogen, ammonia, or hydrocarbon biofuels.
Unlike electricity, these forms of energy allow for storage and utilization on a more flexible basis. Thereby PtX represents a significant new chapter in the large-scale decarbonization of infrastructures, such as heavy transport and shipping, where electrification is not a viable option.
Fjord PtX will convert the electricity produced from renewable energy into green hydrogen and ultimately into SAF (the 'X'). By combining green hydrogen from the electrolysis of water, with CO2 captured from, for example, biogas production or waste incineration, it is possible to produce SAF that is chemically identical to the aviation fuel the airplanes use today.
Both the electrolysis and industrial processes used in the production of SAF are well-known technologies, which are currently undergoing significant modernization and streamlining in order to contribute positively to the green transition.
Aalborg is the perfect location to produce SAF. Placing the plant in Aalborg, more specifically next to Norbis Park the plant can benefit directly from current infrastructures and the existing synergies between local companies.
Fjord PtX is partnering with two local companies Aalborg Forsyning (owners of Norbis Park) and Nordværk. The cooperation will benefit all parties involved.
Its location right next to Limfjorden and close to the highway also provides favorable opportunities for exporting the produced SAF and Naphtha.
Fjord PtX will be located in the area close to Vodskov right next to Norbis Park. The plant will cover an area of about 20 ha. and it represents a billion-euro investment.
Construction is expected to start in 2025 and the plant is expected to be ready for operation by 2028.
Fjord refers to the location right next to Limfjorden.
The economic benefits are substantial. The project represents a billion-euro investment and will create jobs in Aalborg both during construction and in the operation of the plant for staff and businesses in the local industry.
When the plant is in operation, we estimate that Fjord PtX will generate up to 200 permanent jobs in Aalborg. In the long-term perspective, Fjord PtX has the potential to kick-start a new industry and ensure long-term job creation within PtX as the next generation of renewable technology.
Fjord PtX will mainly employ craftsmen, technicians, and engineers. There is a good competency match between the job profiles needed to operate the SAF plant and the different types of staff currently employed in the local oil/gas & energy industry.
CIP is involved in both projects. However, they are independent of each other. CIP specializes in energy infrastructure investments and is among the largest fund managers globally in the field of renewable energy. CIP has taken a leading role in the global transition to green chemicals and fuels, and through the establishment of the Energy Transition Fund, CIP is ready to invest in projects that enable visions to become reality.
The project will produce green hydrogen through electrolysis of water without CO2 emission in the process. Compared to conventional jet fuel, the project avoids approximately 130,000 tons of CO2 emissions. This corresponds to the removal of 65,000 cars from the roads for a year.
An additional 300,000 tons of CO2 will be captured primarily coming from the Nordværk flue gas every year and recycled for SAF production. This amount is comparable to the emissions from approximately 122,000 cars/year.
The plant will consume approximately 1.5 TWh of electricity per year.
The plant produces hydrogen via electrolysis, which is then used to produce SAF. Both hydrogen and SAF will be stored on site.
The plant is categorized as a so-called 'column-3' plant in 'Risikobekendtgørelsen'. Strict regulatory requirements stipulate that the plant can only be approved if it has been documented that the plant will not pose a risk to humans or the environment. Several risk analyses and risk mitigation measures will be carried out before the Danish authorities approve the construction of the plant.
As the SAF plant is based on established processes well known from the oil industry, it is expected to have a risk profile very similar to those from existing facilities, such as the oil refineries in Kalundborg and Fredericia.
Under normal circumstances, there will be no leakage of harmful substances from the plant. To reduce the risk of any accidental leaks, we will implement several safety measures that must be approved by the Danish authorities before the plant can be built, and we will have all necessary contingency plans in place to limit any leakages effectively.
Hydrogen is a gas at normal temperature and pressure. It is very light (1 m3 weighs about 90 g, while 1 m3 of normal air weighs 1.2 kg), and any leaking hydrogen will move upwards very quickly. Hydrogen gas is not toxic to humans, animals, or the environment.
The produced SAF will be stored according to the same rules as followed at oil refineries elsewhere in the world, for example in Fredericia.
The structures, pipes, and tanks that will be used for SAF will be designed and manufactured in accordance with the highest safety standards.
It is important to emphasise that the plant cannot be approved by the Danish authorities unless all rules and requirements are met. There will be ongoing close dialogue with the authorities throughout the development of the project to ensure a transparent process, which involves the use of external experts.
SAF, like diesel fuel, is labeled as flammable but not explosive.
The plant also produces hydrogen. Hydrogen is a gas and can be flammable and explosive if improperly handled. This is a well-known risk, and several mitigation measures are taken to avoid these circumstances.
The hydrogen will be stored safely in specially designed tanks located at a considerable distance from the other installations and ignition sources. The design, tank volumes, and safety measures must be approved by the Danish authorities before the plant can be put into operation.
Hydrogen is not a toxic gas.
No, there is no large-scale SAF production in Denmark today. A few test facilities and pilot plants are in operation, primarily in connection with educational institutions.
During construction, there will be noise from various construction equipment and machinery. The noise is expected to be around 55-70dB, which corresponds to the noise you will experience from a washing machine.
During operation, the plant must stay within the noise limits set by Miljøstyrelsen. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) includes the evaluation of the noise levels from the plant. If needed, further noise reduction measures will be implemented to satisfy regulatory limits.
No. Under normal circumstances, no smell will come from the plant.
To prevent unauthorized persons from entering the facility, a security fence is established around the facility. In addition, the area will be under video surveillance, manned around the clock, and security guards will regularly patrol the area. Access to the facility requires special security clearance and demonstration of relevant documentation.
It is expected that the plant will run around the clock except for scheduled maintenance. Since operations rely on electricity from sustainable energy sources such as wind and solar, there will be weather situations where the plant runs at a lower intensity.
It is expected that most or all the SAF produced will be transported from the production facility by ship. Smaller quantities for local buyers will be transported by truck.
CO2 is expected to be transported in pipelines from the manufacturer to the SAF production plant.
In the construction phase, more traffic is expected.